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Celastrus (Celastrus paniculata)

Celastrus paniculata is a treasured medicinal herb that is revered for its effects on the brain cells and has been used for centuries in Ayurveda for sharpening the memory and increasing intellect.  It has great potential as a study aid for students as well as perhaps the most effective of the memory enhancers for all ages.  In recent pre-clinical trials with rats and mice, the ones treated with injections of Celastrus oil were able to not only learn skills involving memory retention in far less time, they also retained this information for longer periods of time.

Further pre-clinical studies of the seed extract have conclusively showed an improvement in learning and memory in both physical and mental paradigms. The study demonstrates that the cognitive-enhancing properties of Celastrus paniculatus seed are now being pursued as memory aids by the pharmaceutical companies.  It may be a matter of time before a "Smart pill" appears that is far more effective than the well-known Gingko biloba that has been used for many years as a mental aid for memory and clarity of thought.

The seeds, yield dark brown oil known as Celastrus oil or Malkangni oil which possesses the medicinal properties of the seeds. Seeds are reported to contain the alkaloids celastrine and paniculatin that constitute the active principles of this natural herbal product.

There are a few forms of this product appearing in a few shops, and the number one question we get asked is what form is the best and most potent form?  In our personal experience, and by far, we have found that the liquid extracts are the most potent, partially because liquids have fast absorption rates, and absorb directly into the bloodstream.  Next, we like the whole seeds, and the last on the list is capsules or pills which, like any other pill, have to make their way through your stomach before they are absorbed into the human body. 

We offer a full discussion about this topic HERE.

Scientific Evidence

Celastrus panicluata has reportedly shown good results in treating mental depression, hastened the process of learning and memory in experimental animals and gave excellent results in hysteria without any side effects. In experimental studies the effect of Celastrus oil, on learning and memory in a two-compartment passive avoidance task was studied in albino rats. The effects on the contents of norephinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) in the brain and on the levels of their metabolites both in the brain and urine were also assessed.

Significant improvement was observed in the retention ability of the drug treated rats compared with the saline administered controls. The contents of NE, DA and 5-HT and their metabolites in the brain were significantly decreased in the drug treated group. These studies clearly indicate that Celastrus oil causes an overall decrease in the turnover of key chemicals that directly affect learning and memory.

As reported in a variety of sources, Celastrus has documented use in the following:

  • as an aphrodisiac
  • as a powerful brain tonic to stimulate intellect
  • increase cognitive recognition (helps with dreams)
  • sharpen memory
  • to promote intelligence (it is known as Mags-zudi or "brain clearer")
  • as a brain tonic
  • as a stimulant

� Where to Buy Celastrus Products:

The best place we have found for this product is the manufacturer's website called Cognihance.  From personal experience, not only do they have more reliably potent Celastrus than anywhere else, they also offer a no questions asked guarantee, and offer only all-organic Celastrus in a pure liquid extract form.  As an informed consumer, know that Celastrus that has been sitting on a shelf for ages as it loses all of its volatile oils and desirable properties, so ask before you buy from anywhere!  We also have found organic Celastrus Whole Seeds at IAmShaman, as well as an encapsulated product called Cognitol available from OmChi Herbs.

� Celastrus FAQ:

Q: How do I use it?

A: In folk medicine, the seeds are boiled and taken for purification of body and mind through the cleansing of blood. The seeds constitute the drug; they are slightly bitter, and hence used almost always with a natural sweetener like Licorice root (which enhances its effects) or Stevia leaves.  To use whole seeds effectively, simply chew 10-12 of them at a time, or steep 1 tsp of seeds in 4 cups of boiling hot water for 3 hours. Then, sweeten to taste, and drink throughout the day to enhance mental capabilities and cognitive thinking brain patterns. 

Q: Are there side effects?

A: There are no known side effects, but most of the research involved using Celastrus when needed, and not as a dietary supplement that is used day after day, for long periods of time.  We know several antidotal reports of people using this wondrous seed for several years at a time, with one report stating that it was given to a parent with Alzheimer's, and that it markedly slowed the onset of this disease.

Q: What form is the best and most potent?

A: We answer that question HERE.

Q: What options are there for herbal memory enhancers?

A: We answer that question HERE.

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