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Memory aids run the gamut from the simple to the complex, from daily tricks to ensure we remember necessary information, to longer-term health approaches that strengthen body and mind, thereby ensuring that our memories function at optimal capacity.

On the more basic side of coin are simple practices that essentially revolve around "trying" to remember better. Among these, talking to yourself, repeating key information out loud, drawing diagrams or visualizing a picture of the memory, and mentally rehearsing the remembering process, can all aid memory. "Chunking" information together will make for easier connections, thereby aiding your brain's process.

Other simple memory aids include "external" devices. Basic as it sounds, how many of us are reluctant to use notebooks, alarms, or even strings around our fingers? So prideful can we be that we ignore the simplest tricks that can make the difference between remembering and forgetting. Once you take the time to write it out, your notebook or calendar will never "forget" information. As our world gets faster and busier, we are increasingly distracted. Thus, having a secondary storage area for our important information becomes even more important.

So, too, are there internal approaches. Along with vitamins (A, B complex, C and E) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, boron, selenium), proper amounts of which are vital to make sure our bodies and minds operate at their best, dietary supplements provide support as memory aids, as well. Classics like ginkgo biloba, which acts as an anti-oxidant and increases blood flow, and the pricey Acetyl L-carnitine, which, improves energy use in regions of the brain, have become known for their ability to aid in memory.

More recently though, the Ayurvedic Medicine system from India has already had a proven memory enhancer for countless years; one that the West is just finding out about.  Herbal formulations with Celastrus seed, which is now available as tincture, seed, and tea, performs shockingly well as a memory aid.  We have tested all of the herbal preparations on the market, and to be honest, none have come close to the blended formulation that the people at Cognihance have come up with.

This shouldn't be any great surprise, since their team of researchers and formulators includes a well-respected food chemist, who is trained in Ayurvedic traditions.  They seem well-suited to be at the top of our list, and their tincture definitely speaks for itself.

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