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Celastrus as a Study Aid?

There is growing excitement among students worldwide as word about this amazing herb spreads.  Besides naturally helping to accentuate cognitive functioning on a daily basis, there is a growing number of people who swear by Celastrus as a study aid, regardless of academic level.  We have received reports of college students taking it as they are "cramming" for an exam, we have heard from doctors studying for medical exams, as well as future lawyers trying to pass their bar exam.

We think that this plant has massive untapped potential as an effective study aid, and hope to see it's popularity grow in this and other areas.  It makes complete sense; an herbal product that has been proven to increase the retention of new information in laboratory tests with rats, would logically be able to help a student retain information more effectively when studying for a test, maybe even ESPECIALLY when they are trying to cram for a test the night before!  (We are not encouraging "cramming" as an effective was of studying by any means.)

Who knows what we might start to see in the near-future?  Celastrus drinks might become a staple on college campuses around the world, and might begin to appear along with oxygen bars and massage stations in random corners and Health Food Stores.  Gingko has been long revered for its cognitive enhancing properties, but research to support this claim has been sketchy at best, unlike Celastrus, which has seen documented success in more than one clinical trial.

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