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Almost all of us have some desire to improve memory in some regard. There actually may be no single factor as important in our definitions of "self" as memory. We are, in every sense of the word, products of our experiences. Each new day, with its collection of choices and moments and lessons learned, adds another set of experiences into the mixture we call our "selves." Clearly, then, our ability to maintain our connection to the memories of these events is crucial to preserving an accurate sense of self.

Can there be any more uncomfortable of a prospect than that of amnesia? A dire and extreme example, for sure, though not totally fantastical. Far more than we realize, our memories are constantly failing us. It is for this reason why many of us pursue options for improving our memories, especially in an increasingly information-filled world and day.  We're bombarded with mountains of information on a daily basis...how can we possibly remember just the information we need to remember for ourselves anymore?

There are literally hundreds of examples of how our memories fail us. Moments disappear, names teeter precariously on the tips of our tongues, important dates and appointments are missed and we're made to suffer the consequences. From stressed college students to those of us getting on in years, it's safe to say we could all benefit from a bit of improved memory skills. And, after years of folklore and unconfirmed tales about various products that claim to improve memory, recent clinical studies have confirmed that there may be hope for those of us who feel a bit lost with our memories.

Among the products given clinical credence in terms of improving memory, the Celastrus Seed and its various manifestations (in tincture, seed, or convenient tea form) has performed at levels far exceeding the norm, especially when mixed with other traditional memory-enhancing herbal products. The all natural product has begun to surface here and there, and will undoubtedly soon be the subject of much conversation for its memory improving capabilities. So do your research and consider your options, because memories are slippery things, and without a bit of help, we could all find ourselves disconnected from the moments, facts, and ideas that define who we are.

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